Nustatykite savo anglų kalbos žinių lygį pagal pateiktą testą.
Prašome pažymėti vieną, Jūsų manymu, teisingą variantą.
1. “What ......... ?” “I’m a student”. do youdo you doyouyou do
2. “ ............. you like a cup of tea?” WouldCouldMayDo
3. Take your coat. It .......... rain. is going towillishas
4. “Where ......... yesterday?” “I was at home”. you wereyou wasyouwere you
5. “Why not go to the National Gallery” “I ............ there yesterday”. gowentgonegoing
6. You ........ work hard to pass the examination. mustcanweredo
7. I .......... to USA. have never beenbeen have neverhave nevernever been
8. Richard ............ to a girl when I saw him. talktalkingwill talkwas talking
9. John ......... since he left school. was workingworkshas been workingwill be working
10. “Please be quiet.” He told me .............. . be quietto be quietthat be quietthat I be quiet
11. I’m not as clever as you. You are .......... I am. cleverer thancleverer asclever thanmore clever
12. When I was a child I ......... a lot of sweets. use eateatused to eatam used to eat
13. “............... Romeo and Juliet?” “Yes, I saw it on Wednesday.” Did you seenHave you seenWill you seeDo you see
14. The house ........... last year. builthas builtwas builtis built
15. Mary enjoys ............ in London. to livelivinghaving livingwhen lived
16. If I were you ........... home. I’d goI goI’llI’m go
17. “Have you finished?” He asked me ........... have I finishedif I have finishedif I had finishedif I finished
18. They ............ so much, they can‘t breathe. were eatinghad eatenhave eateneating
19. What about .......... to the cinema tonight? goto gowe gogoing
20. I ............ here for 5 years in November. shall bewill beshall have beenwill have
21. I wish I ............ a lot of money. hadhavewill havewould have
22. He’s rather dirty. He ............. a bath before he came here. hadhas hadshould have hadwould have
23. If you ......... gone to the party you would have seen him. hadwould havehaveshould have
24. The streets are wet. It ......... raining. must havemust have beenhad tomust to be
25. I’d rather you ........ later. I’m busy now. come backwill come backcame backhad come back
26. “Can I phone you at 6.00?” “No, I ............ .” would eat thenshall have eaten thenshall eat thenshall be eating then
Su Privatumo politika susipažinau
Teisingi atsakymai: 1-6 – pradinis, 7-12 – elementarus, 13-18 – žem. vidutinis, 19-26 – vidutinis lygis.
Norėdami sužinoti teisingus atsakymus, kreipkitės į UAB „Personalo valdymo sistemos“.